Poetry Pieces

All poetry pieces listed below is owned by Felinton Incorporated.

Animal Features - Poetry Collection

Dog Nose - Animal Features

A wet nose pressed against my palm

A cold, damp reminder of love

The way it twitches, the way it sniffs

It's a dog's nose, a gift from above.

It's the thing that leads them on adventures

Through fields and forests, down city streets

A guide for their curious nature

And a way to greet new friends they meet.

It's the thing that sniffs out danger

The smell of fire or the scent of fear

A warning to their human companion

That trouble could soon be near.

But it's also the thing that gets ignored

When they're old and grey, and their time is near

A nose that once led them on adventures

Now sit idle and filled with tears.

A nose that once smelled the scent of treats

And the aroma of their favorite meal

Now smells like the sterile walls of a vet clinic

And the sadness that their human feels.

It's a nose that once nuzzled against their owner

As they lay together in peaceful sleep

Now lies cold and lifeless in their hands

A memory of a friendship that was deep.

So cherish your dog's nose, my friend

And the love that it represents

For when their time on this earth is done

It's the memory of that nose that truly resonates.

It's a reminder of the joy they brought

And the memories that will always last

Of the way, they greeted you at the door

With a wagging tail and a nose so fast.

So let us not forget the value

Of a dog's nose, both substantial and true

For it's a symbol of their loyalty

And the bond that they had with you.

And though their nose may no longer twitch

And their wet kisses may no longer be

Their love lives on in our hearts

For all eternity.

Their nose may no longer guide them

Or lead them on adventures grand

But the memories of their nose

Are forever etched in the hearts of man.

So let us honor our furry friends

And the noses they used to explore

For they brought us so much happiness

And taught us what love is truly for.

So when you think of your dog's nose

Remember the joy that it brought

And the unconditional love they gave

With every sniff and every thought.

A dog's nose is more than just a nose

It's a symbol of a bond, so true

And though they may be gone from sight

Their love lives on forever in you.

So let us hold on tight to those memories

Of our furry friends and their noses, so dear

For they brought so much happiness

And gave us love that will never disappear.

And though their noses may no longer be wet

And their paws may no longer roam

Their spirit lives on in our hearts

And in the memories of their happy home.

So let us raise a paw in honor

Of the dogs, we loved and lost

For their noses were a symbol

Of a love that came at no cost.

And though they may no longer be with us

Their legacy will always remain

For a dog's nose is a thing of beauty

And a reminder of the love that will never wane.

Cat Whiskers - Animal Features

Soft and fine, delicate and sleek,

The gentle whiskers upon a feline's cheek,

In the light, they glisten and shine,

Beauty is so pure, so divine.

But what happens when these whiskers are lost,

Torn away, shattered, and tossed?

No longer able to feel the world around,

The once graceful cat now lost and bound.

For these whiskers are not just for show,

They help guide the cat as they go,

A vital tool in their every day,

To keep them safe, to find their way.

And so we mourn for those who've lost,

The very thing that helps them cross,

Their world was now dark, their path unclear,

Without their whiskers, they are filled with fear.

Oh, sweet whiskers, how we cherish thee,

A symbol of grace, a thing of beauty,

May your loss be met with love and care,

For without you, the feline's world is bare.

The loss of these precious hairs,

Brings sorrow to those who truly cares,

The gentle touch and the playful bounce,

Their absence leaves a haunting ounce.

The cat that once roamed without fear,

It is now fragile and full of tears,

Lost in the darkness, they stumble and fall,

Their world is now a prison, an endless crawl.

Oh, how we wish to bring them back,

These whiskers that we sorely lack,

To restore their grace and their ease,

And let them roam with the greatest of ease.

But alas, we know it cannot be,

The loss of whiskers is all we see,

So we offer comfort, a gentle touch,

And pray that their pain will not be much.

So, let us mourn the loss of these,

Whiskers that once brought us ease,

And cherish every moment we share,

With these gentle creatures beyond compare.

For though the loss of whiskers brings us pain,

We know that they will never genuinely wane,

Their memory lives on in our hearts and minds,

Their gentle touch is a reminder of a love that binds.

And so we honor these whiskers, dear,

With every heartfelt tear,

For they remind us of the love we share,

With these furry friends who genuinely care.

For though they may be small and sweet,

These whiskers hold a deep love,

And in their loss, we find a way,

To cherish every day.

So let us hold these whiskers close,

And honor them with every dose,

Of love and kindness that we impart,

To these creatures that touch our hearts.

For though their whiskers may be gone,

Their love and spirit will always carry on,

And in their absence, we find a way,

To love and cherish them every day.

Elephant Trunk - Animal Features

Elephant trunks once held such grace,

Majestic beasts with trunks to trace

Their path through jungles and savannahs wide,

With power and strength, they'd roam and stride.

But now their trunks, so often seen,

As trophies or tools, it makes me keen,

To think of how these creatures suffer,

Their trunks are cut off and no longer buffer.

To think of elephants without their trunks,

It is a cruel thought that stuns,

Their ability to eat, drink, and breathe,

It is taken away; it's hard to believe.

So let us weep for the elephant trunks,

That once were symbols of strength and grit,

And vow to protect these gentle giants,

Before their fate becomes reliant.

Let's fight for their freedom; let's raise our voices,

For their trunks are not a choice,

Their trunks are essential to their very being,

Without them, their future is fleeing.

Let's speak for those, who cannot speak,

Let's join hands; let's be unique,

Let's pledge to save these gentle giants,

Let's give them back their rights and be triumphant.

For the sake of the elephants, let us unite,

And work toward a future that bright,

Where elephant trunks are not a commodity,

But a symbol of their beauty and their dignity.

Let's strive to create a world where they can thrive,

Where their trunks aren't just a means to survive,

But a part of their natural identity,

That deserves to be respected with integrity.

Let's preserve their habitat; let's keep it pure,

So they can roam free always,

Let's put an end to poaching and the ivory trade,

So their trunks are never again used for human-made.

For every elephant that suffers, let us feel their pain,

And let us work together to make a change,

For the sake of their trunks and their lives,

Let us give them a chance to survive.

Let's educate the world about their plight,

So we can all stand up for what is right,

Let's teach our children to love and respect,

The wonders of nature and its beauty are perfect.

For the elephant, trunks are not just an appendage,

But a symbol of the animal kingdom's reverence,

Let's cherish and protect them with all our might,

So we can safeguard their future and their light.

For the sake of the elephants, let's do our part,

To keep their trunks and their spirit alive in our hearts,

Let's remember their beauty, their power, and grace,

And let's strive to create a world that's a better place.

A Breakfast for Two - Poetry Collection

Savory Bagels and Lox - A Breakfast for Two

A marriage of flavors, a perfect match,

Bagels and lox, an affair we can't dispatch.

The doughy delight, with its crispy crust,

Complements the salmon, a taste so just.

The bagel, boiled and baked to perfection,

The lox, cured and sliced with affection.

Together they create a flavor explosion,

A symphony of tastes, a true devotion.

Each bites a heavenly experience,

A combination so unique, so intense.

The smooth cream cheese, a delicious spread,

A burst of flavor that must be said.

The lox, a delicate balance of salt and smoke,

With every bite, our taste buds invoke.

A taste so satisfying, so divine,

It's a flavor that we can't decline.

From breakfast to lunch or even dinner,

Bagels and lox, a dish that's a winner.

A meal that satisfies and fills us up,

It's a taste sensation that never stops.

So let's celebrate bagels and lox,

And savor each bite with enthusiasm and poise.

For it's a culinary gift that we can't ignore,

A timeless classic that we adore.

From New York City to the west coast,

Bagels and lox, a dish that we boast.

It's a taste of tradition, a nod to our past,

An enduring dish that's set to last.

With its soft and chewy texture,

And its savory flavor, a culinary lecture,

Bagels and lox, a dish that's meant to be shared,

A meal that brings us together and shows we care.

So, let's raise a glass to bagels and lox,

And the love and joy they bring to our talks.

With each bite, we're reminded of home,

And the memories that make us not roam.

Bagels and lox, a match made in heaven,

An unforgettable dish and forever woven.

Into our hearts and our taste buds too,

A meal that's a delight, through and through.

Bagels and lox, a meal that's a treasure,

It's a dish that we crave and takes great pleasure in.

In every bite, we're transported to a place,

Where the flavors are bold, and the pace is the slow pace.

The bagel, round and golden brown,

With its sesame seeds, we can't help but frown,

When the last bite is taken, and it's all gone,

For it's a meal that we can never move on.

The lox, a delicate fish that's so divine,

With its silky texture, we're sure to pine,

For more and more, until our plate is cleared,

And we're left with memories that are genuinely revered.

So let's savor each bite of bagels and lox,

And cherish the moments like they're written on rocks,

For it's a dish that brings us so much joy,

A meal that we'll never forget and always deploy.

The Warmth of Grits - A Breakfast for Two

Grits, a Southern staple,

A breakfast dish that's hard to topple.

Creamy and comforting,

With a texture so warming.

Made from corn, it's ground and boiled,

Served with butter, salt, or even oiled.

A simple dish, yet full of flavor,

It's a comfort food that we all savor.

Grits can be jazzed up with cheese,

Or shrimp and bacon if you please.

A versatile dish that can be sweet or savory,

It's a taste of the South that's truly extraordinary.

With a bowl of grits, you start your day right,

It's a hearty meal that gives you might.

So next time you're in the mood for a Southern treat,

Grits are the dish you must eat.

From Mississippi to Alabama,

Grits are a dish that never fails ya.

In Georgia, they're a way of life,

And in Louisiana, they cause strife.

Some like them thick, some like them thin,

But we all agree grits are a win.

They're perfect for any meal of the day,

Whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, they'll never stray.

Grits bring people together,

With each bite, the memories get better.

It's a dish that's steeped in tradition,

A true Southern delight with no competition.

So, let's raise a spoon to grits,

And savor each bite until our plates are nixed.

For this simple yet delicious dish,

It is the epitome of Southern bliss.

Grits are more than just food,

They embody a way of life and a mood.

A symbol of hard work and perseverance,

A tribute to the South's resilience.

For those who have tasted its magic,

Grits leave an indelible impression, so tragic,

For those who haven't, it's time to try,

And let determination become your new favorite pie.

With every bite, it's a journey back in time,

In simpler days, when life was sublime,

To grandma's kitchen and her loving touch,

To family meals, that meant so much.

Grits, oh grits, you're more than a meal,

You're a connection to the past, a deal,

Comfort food that fills our souls,

A warm embrace that makes us whole.

So, let's keep on eating grits,

And let them be the cornerstone of our wits,

For in grits, we find solace and love,

And that's a feeling we can never get enough of.

The Humble Hashbrown - A Breakfast for Two

Oh, humble hash browns, crispy and divine

A breakfast staple that's simply divine

Golden brown and crunchy, a savory delight

A perfect sidekick for eggs that are fried just right

Grated potatoes, seasoned with care

Pan-fried to perfection, a crispy layer they bear

The first bite's a crunch, then a soft, buttery flavor

An unmatched taste, an unforgettable savor

A simple dish, yet so versatile

Served with ketchup, gravy, or a runny egg file

A dish that's easy to make yet challenging to resist

Comfort food that can never be missed

Shredded potatoes, seasoned and fried

A delicious side that never gets old or tired

A satisfying crunch with every bite

A perfect match for bacon, oh what a sight

Oh, hash browns, a breakfast essential

A dish that's pure magic, so sensational

The aroma that fills the air so appetizing

A morning meal that's oh so satisfying

From the diner to the kitchen at home

Hash browns are a dish that's loved and known

A versatile food that's always in style

A perfect way to start the day with a smile

So here's to you, hash browns, a proper breakfast gem

A dish that's always there, a morning-time friend

Crispy, golden, and deliciously fried

Oh, how you make our taste buds come alive!

Golden brown and crispy,

With a soft and tender core,

Hash browns are a breakfast staple,

A delight that I adore.

Shredded potatoes, seasoned well,

Fried to perfection in a pan,

Hash browns are a work of art,

A culinary wonderland.

Served alongside eggs and bacon,

Or a stack of fluffy pancakes,

Hash browns complete the meal,

Adding texture and flavor that awakes.

A burst of flavor with every bite,

A satisfying crunch that delights,

Hash browns are the perfect food,

A treat that always excites.

Whether smothered in cheese and gravy,

Or topped with a dollop of sour cream,

Hash browns are a versatile dish,

That reigns supreme.

So here's to hash browns, crispy and hot,

A delicious breakfast treat,

A dish that always hits the spot,

And always impress and meet.

A symphony of flavors in each bite,

The perfect combination of crispy and soft,

Hash browns are a breakfast delight,

A dish that can never go wrong.

Seasoned just right, with a golden hue,

Hash browns are a feast for the eyes,

A side dish that is always true,

To its roots of being simple and friendly.

Served up in a diner or a fancy brunch,

Hash browns are always in demand,

A beloved classic that packs a punch,

And always comes with a helping hand.

So here's to hash browns, the king of sides,

A dish that can stand on its own,

From breakfast to dinner, it never hides,

Its ability to shine and be known.

The Omelette - A Breakfast for Two

Oh, humble hash browns, crispy and divine

A breakfast staple that's simply divine

Golden brown and crunchy, a savory delight

A perfect sidekick for eggs that are fried just right

Grated potatoes, seasoned with care

Pan-fried to perfection, a crispy layer they bear

The first bite's a crunch, then a soft, buttery flavor

An unmatched taste, an unforgettable savor

A simple dish, yet so versatile

Served with ketchup, gravy, or a runny egg file

A dish that's easy to make yet challenging to resist

Comfort food that can never be missed

Shredded potatoes, seasoned and fried

A delicious side that never gets old or tired

A satisfying crunch with every bite

A perfect match for bacon, oh what a sight

Oh, hash browns, a breakfast essential

A dish that's pure magic, so sensational

The aroma that fills the air so appetizing

A morning meal that's oh so satisfying

From the diner to the kitchen at home

Hash browns are a dish that's loved and known

A versatile food that's always in style

A perfect way to start the day with a smile

So here's to you, hash browns, a proper breakfast gem

A dish that's always there, a morning-time friend

Crispy, golden, and deliciously fried

Oh, how you make our taste buds come alive!

Golden brown and crispy,

With a soft and tender core,

Hash browns are a breakfast staple,

A delight that I adore.

Shredded potatoes, seasoned well,

Fried to perfection in a pan,

Hash browns are a work of art,

A culinary wonderland.

Served alongside eggs and bacon,

Or a stack of fluffy pancakes,

Hash browns complete the meal,

Adding texture and flavor that awakes.

A burst of flavor with every bite,

A satisfying crunch that delights,

Hash browns are the perfect food,

A treat that always excites.

Whether smothered in cheese and gravy,

Or topped with a dollop of sour cream,

Hash browns are a versatile dish,

That reigns supreme.

So here's to hash browns, crispy and hot,

A delicious breakfast treat,

A dish that always hits the spot,

And always impress and meet.

A symphony of flavors in each bite,

The perfect combination of crispy and soft,

Hash browns are a breakfast delight,

A dish that can never go wrong.

Seasoned just right, with a golden hue,

Hash browns are a feast for the eyes,

A side dish that is always true,

To its roots of being simple and friendly.

Served up in a diner or a fancy brunch,

Hash browns are always in demand,

A beloved classic that packs a punch,

And always comes with a helping hand.

So here's to hash browns, the king of sides,

A dish that can stand on its own,

From breakfast to dinner, it never hides,

Its ability to shine and be known.

A Scrambled Egg - A Breakfast for Two

In the morning, as the sun starts to rise,

I reach for a pan and a dozen eggs to my surprise,

Cracking them open, I see their golden glow,

Whisking them gently until they're ready to go.

The simplicity of scrambled eggs is like no other,

A humble breakfast but a true comfort to discover,

A dash of salt, a sprinkle of pepper,

And in no time at all, they're ready to savor.

Soft and fluffy, they melt in my mouth,

A perfect start to a day in the south,

Served with toast or bacon, the possibilities are endless,

A dish so simple, but the taste is truly peerless.

Oh, scrambled eggs, how I adore thee,

Your simplicity is a true beauty,

A dish so humble yet so satisfying,

A breakfast classic that's truly gratifying.

You may be plain, but you're never dull,

Your simplicity is what makes you so wonderful,

A dish that never disappoints is always reliable,

Oh, scrambled eggs, you are truly admirable.

So here's to you, scrambled eggs,

A dish that's easy to make,

A true classic that's always great,

Simple and comforting, for goodness sake.

You're the perfect breakfast, but also great for lunch,

A versatile dish that's always a punch,

Adding veggies or cheese makes you even better,

A meal so simple, but a taste that's forever.

You're the first dish I learned to cook,

A memory so sweet, like a treasured book,

A word that's a reminder of happy times,

Breakfast is so simple yet so divine.

Oh, scrambled eggs, you're a true delight,

A dish so simple but never out of sight,

A reminder of the joys of life,

A meal that's simple, yet so rife.

So here's to you, scrambled eggs,

A dish that's always on my mind,

Simple, yet delicious, always divine,

A meal that's simple yet so refined.

You're the breakfast of champions, so they say,

An easy dish, but never cliché,

Satisfying and nourishing, to start the day right,

A meal is so simple, but always a highlight.

You're a canvas for creativity, a foundation for more,

A dish that's easy to make but never a bore,

From omelets to quiches, you're always there,

A meal that's simple yet beyond compare.

Oh, scrambled eggs, you're a classic for sure,

A simple dish, but always so pure,

A meal that's humble but truly extraordinary,

A taste so simple but never second-rate.

So here's to you, scrambled eggs,

A dish that's easy to make,

Simple yet versatile, a meal that's never fake,

A proper breakfast classic that will never break.

Ode to Bacon - A Breakfast for Two

Oh, bacon! How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways.

You sizzle in the pan,

Your aroma fills the air,

And every bite is pure delight.

From crispy bacon strips

To savory bacon bits,

You bring joy to every dish,

Adding flavor, texture, and crunch.

Oh, bacon! You're a wonder,

A meaty masterpiece,

A salty, smoky treat

That satisfies my soul.

Whether paired with eggs and toast,

Wrapped around a filet mignon,

Or crumbled on a salad,

You make every meal divine.

Oh, bacon! How I adore you,

My guilty pleasure, my delight.

You are the king of breakfast,

And the hero of every bite.

You bring happiness to my taste buds,

And comfort to my heart.

With every juicy, flavorful bite,

I feel like I'm in heaven.

Oh, bacon! You're so versatile,

You can be sweet or savory,

Crispy or chewy,

And always deliciously savory.

You make breakfast better,

And burgers are more delectable,

Your irresistible flavor

It is simply unforgettable.

Oh, bacon! You're a culinary miracle,

A gift from the food gods above,

A true wonder of the kitchen,

And a testament to the power of love.

So here's to you, bacon,

May you never lose your charm,

You will always be my favorite food,

My true love, my bacon-y balm.

The Simple Pleasure of Toast - A Breakfast for Two

Oh toast, humble and unassuming

A simple pleasure, so comforting and soothing

From bread to bagels, you're a blank canvas

Transformed by heat, you're pure magic

A golden hue, a satisfying crunch

You make my mornings feel like a brunch

A spread of butter or jam so sweet

On toast, a treat that's hard to beat

Whether sliced thick or thin as paper

You're always there, never a stranger

A comforting presence, a reliable friend

My love for you will never end

From cinnamon to garlic, you can take on any flavor

A versatile food, my heart, you'll always savor

Oh toast, you're a wonder in your simplicity

A staple in our lives, forever in eternity.

And let's not forget your versatility.

You make a great snack or an accompaniment to tea

From garlic bread to French toast, you excel

You're the perfect partner for soup or a good BLT as well

You're there for me, day after day

Toasting my bread, come what may

A simple pleasure that I always adore

You're a symbol of comfort; that's for sure

So here's to you, my dear toast

You're the unsung hero, the one I love the most

Thank you for being a part of my life

Toast, you're the best through all strife.

Your simplicity is what makes you great

Always reliable, never tempting fate

From the bread to the toaster, it's so easy

And the result is always warm and cheesy

You're a reminder of childhood memories.

Of cozy mornings and warm family stories

A breakfast ritual that never gets old

A tradition that's worth its weight in gold

And as I take a bite, I can't help but smile

The warmth and comfort that you provide are worthwhile

You may seem ordinary, but you're truly extraordinary

Toast, you're the breakfast that's always legendary

So here's to you, toast, my favorite friend

You'll always be there till the very end

A simple pleasure that brings me joy

Toast, you're the breakfast that I'll never avoid.

Muffin Love - A Breakfast for Two

Oh, how people love to eat muffins,

Soft and sweet, with flavors so divine,

A treat that always leaves them grinning,

No matter if they're yours or mine.

From blueberry to chocolate chip,

And everything in between,

Muffins come in every flavor trip,

Creating a craving that can't be seen.

They're perfect for breakfast or brunch,

Or as a snack in the afternoon,

Warm from the oven, they're a delicious hunch,

That brings joy to everyone's tune.

Some people like them with a pat of butter,

Or maybe a smear of jam,

However you choose to clutter,

They'll still taste good without a slam.

So let's raise a muffin to the sky,

And celebrate this yummy treat,

For it's a food that satisfies,

And makes our taste buds complete.

There's something about a muffin's texture,

That's so comforting and warm,

It's like a little piece of pleasure,

That can weather any storm.

Maybe it's the way they're baked,

With just the right amount of fluff,

Or maybe it's the way they're stacked,

In rows that look good enough.

And let's not forget the variety,

Of muffins that are out there,

With flavors that can fill any society,

And bring a smile to any pair.

From pumpkin to banana nut,

And even lemon poppyseed,

Muffins are a food that's never a but,

And always ready to feed.

So next time you take a bite,

Of a freshly baked muffin treat,

Remember how it brings delight,

And makes your day complete.

Muffins are also great for sharing,

With family, friends, or even a stranger,

They bring people together, caring,

And make any situation much brighter.

They can be enjoyed on a lazy morning,

Or, as a quick snack on the go,

Their versatility is quite charming,

And that's what we love them for, you know.

They come in all shapes and sizes,

And can be customized to your taste,

Muffins are food that never surprises,

And always leave us with a happy face.

So let's keep on enjoying muffins,

In all their delicious glory,

For they're a food that always wins,

And tell a story.

A story of how something simple,

Can bring so much joy and delight,

And how muffins, in their humble,

Have a way of making things right.

So go ahead, take a bite,

Of a muffin fresh out of the oven,

And let its sweetness ignite,

A feeling of happiness and lovin'.

A Breakfast Burrito Bliss - A Breakfast for Two

Wrapped up in a tortilla, snug and tight,

A breakfast burrito brings pure delight,

It's a meal that's perfect any time of day,

And it's always sure to chase your hunger away.

There's something about that savory blend,

Of eggs, meat, cheese, and spices that send,

Our taste buds into a frenzy of joy,

A flavor sensation that we can't avoid.

With each bite, we're transported to a place,

Where everything's calm and there's no haste,

Where we can savor each and every flavor,

And let our worries slip away like a river.

And oh, that feeling of being full,

After enjoying a breakfast burrito's pull,

It's a satisfaction that can't be beat,

A feeling that's both fulfilling and sweet.

It's a breakfast that's both hearty and filling,

And it's perfect for those days that need some healing,

Whether you're on the go or taking it slow,

A breakfast burrito's a meal that can glow.

So here's to the wonders of a breakfast burrito,

A meal that's warm, delicious, and ready to go,

May it always bring us joy and delight,

And fill us up from morning until night.

The beauty of a breakfast burrito,

Is that it's so versatile too,

You can add salsa or avocado,

And customize it just for you.

With bacon, sausage, or even tofu,

And veggies like peppers or onions,

Each bite is unique and full of flavor,

And leaves you with a comfortable sensation.

It's a portable meal that's easy to eat,

And perfect for those on the run,

With one hand on the wheel,

And the other is holding a burrito, yum!

So let's raise a burrito to the sky,

And celebrate this tasty treat,

For it's a breakfast that satisfies,

And can't be beaten.

A breakfast burrito is a wonder indeed,

A meal that's always ready to feed,

It's hearty, delicious, and full of flavor,

And brings joy to all who savor.

It's the perfect way to start the day,

And gives us energy for what comes our way,

With a breakfast burrito in hand,

We're ready to take on the day, grand.

From the first bite to the last,

It's a meal that's meant to last,

And when we finish, we're left with a smile,

Knowing we've had a breakfast worth the while.

So let's keep on enjoying breakfast burritos,

In all their delicious glory,

For they're a meal that always wins,

And tells a story.

A story of how something simple,

Can bring so much joy and delight,

And how a breakfast burrito, in its humble,

It has a way of making things right.

So go ahead, take a bite,

Of a breakfast burrito fresh and warm,

And let its savory goodness ignite,

A feeling of happiness and charm.

Donut Dreams - A Breakfast for Two

Sweet and warm, with a delicate glaze,

A breakfast donut starts off the day,

It's a treat that brings a smile to the face,

And fills us up in the most delicious way.

There's something about that sugary touch,

That melts on the tongue and makes us feel so much,

It's a moment of indulgence that we savor,

And reminds us that life's a little bit sweeter with flavor.

With each bite, we're transported to a place,

Where everything's warm, and there's no race,

Where we can enjoy every last crumb,

And feel our taste buds hum.

And oh, that feeling of being satisfied,

After enjoying a breakfast donut ride,

It's a happiness that can't be beaten,

A feeling that's both satisfying and sweet.

It's a breakfast that's both fun and tasty,

And it's perfect for those days that are hasty,

Whether you're on the go or taking it slow,

A breakfast donut's a treat that's always in tow.

So here's to the wonder of a breakfast donut,

A treat that's sweet, delicious, and always in the cut,

May it always bring us happiness and delight,

And fill us up with sugary joy.

The beauty of a breakfast donut,

Is that it comes in so many flavors too,

From classic glazed to chocolate frosted,

And everything in between, it's up to you.

With sprinkles, jelly, or cream inside,

And toppings like nuts or fruit on the side,

Each bite is unique and full of pleasure,

A flavor journey that's beyond measure.

It's a portable breakfast that's easy to carry,

And perfect for those mornings that are scary,

With one hand on the coffee,

And the other holding a donut, oh so yummy!

So let's raise a donut to the sky,

And celebrate this sweet treat,

For it's a breakfast that satisfies,

And it can't be beaten.

A breakfast donut is a wonder indeed,

A treat that's always ready to feed,

It's sweet, delicious, and full of pleasure,

And brings happiness to all who treasure.

From the first bite to the last,

It's a treat that's meant to last,

And when we finish, we're left with a smile,

Knowing we've had a breakfast worth the while.

So go ahead, take a bite,

Of a breakfast donut warm and bright,

And let its sweetness ignite,

A feeling of happiness and delight.

For some, it may be a guilty pleasure,

But for others, it's a breakfast treasure,

A treat that adds some sweetness to the day,

And makes everything feel a little more okay.

It's a breakfast that's easy to love,

With its sugary coating and soft, fluffy glove,

And though it may not be the healthiest choice,

It's a breakfast that makes our hearts rejoice.

So let's indulge in a breakfast donut,

And savor its sweetness, without a doubt,

For it's a treat that's worth the calories,

And always leaves us feeling happy and free.

With each bite, we're transported to a place,

Where everything's bright, and there's no trace,

Of worries or stress, just pure delight,

A moment of sweetness that's pure and right.

So here's to the wonder of a breakfast donut,

A treat that's sweet, indulgent, and always in the cut,

May it always bring us happiness and delight,

And fill our mornings with sugary light.

A Poached Egg - A Breakfast for Two

With a delicate touch and gentle care,

A poached egg is a breakfast delight to share,

It's a work of culinary art,

A simple dish that can warm the heart.

As it sits there, soft and tender,

Its golden yolk is a perfect surrender,

It's a dish that's both elegant and refined,

A breakfast treat that's hard to decline.

With just a sprinkle of salt and pepper,

This dish is a breakfast treasure,

The creamy yolk and tender whites,

A symphony of flavors, oh so right.

It's a dish that requires patience and skill,

But when done right, it's a breakfast thrill,

The perfect balance of texture and taste,

A breakfast dish that's a culinary ace.

So let's raise a toast to the poached egg,

A breakfast dish that's both humble and begging,

May it always warm our hearts and souls,

And fill us up with breakfast goals.

From the first bite to the last,

This dish is a breakfast blast,

And when we finish, we're left with a smile,

Knowing we've had a breakfast worth the while.

So go ahead, take a bite,

Of a poached egg, so tender and bright,

And let its flavor ignite,

A feeling of happiness and delight.

Whether atop a bed of greens,

Or nestled on a slice of toast, so serene,

The poached egg is a breakfast wonder,

A dish that leaves our taste buds under.

It's a dish that's versatile and unique,

And can be enjoyed with a variety of treats,

From smoked salmon to sautéed veggies,

The poached egg is a dish that never gets edgy.

So let's indulge in a poached egg,

And savor its flavors without a peg,

For it's a breakfast dish that's worth the time,

A treat that's both elegant and sublime.

With each bite, we're transported to a place,

Where everything's calm, and there's no trace,

Of worries or stress, just pure delight,

A moment of flavor that's pure and right.

So here's to the wonder of the poached egg,

A dish that's both delicate and beg,

May it always bring us happiness and delight,

And fill our mornings with culinary light.

As we gaze upon its smooth white shell,

The poached egg reminds us to slow down and dwell,

To take a moment and enjoy the simple things,

To appreciate the beauty that each day brings.

It's a dish that's comforting and nourishing,

And one that leaves us feeling so replenished,

With each bite, we feel the warmth and care,

Of a scarce breakfast dish.

So let's savor the poached egg,

And cherish its delicate flavor that's so leg,

For it's a dish that's worth the wait,

And a breakfast treat that's simply great.

As we finish up our plate,

We're left with a feeling that's so great,

A sense of fullness and contentment,

And a reminder of the simple things that bring enjoyment.

So here's to the poached egg,

A breakfast dish that's both humble and begging,

May it always bring us joy and light,

And be a reminder of the simple pleasures of life.

Within the Office - Poetry Collection

Whispers of Order - Within the Office

In silence, you wait, humble and small,

A slender twist of metal, standing tall.

Unassuming hero of desks untold,

In your simplicity, secrets unfold.

You bind the pages, a gentle embrace,

Holding together with delicate grace.

A quiet sentinel in a world of haste,

In your grip, chaos finds its place.

From memos to musings, you faithfully serve,

An unsung ally, we hardly observe.

Yet without you, order would fray and slip,

Oh, silent sentinel, dear paperclip.

In your bend and curve, a story lies,

Of papers penned beneath countless skies.

A witness to thoughts both fleeting and deep,

In your simple form, memories keep.

Though small and mundane, your role profound,

In every office, you can be found.

Symbol of unity, of tasks at hand,

In your grip, we find strength to stand.

So here's to you, oh unassuming clip,

In the dance of life, an elegant script.

A reminder that even the smallest thing,

Can hold together the world's grand string.

The Canvas of Control - Within the Office

Beneath the restless hand, you lie,

A realm of precision 'neath the sky.

Soft surface where dreams take flight,

In the dance of pixels, you unite.

Upon your fabric, fingers glide,

Navigating worlds far and wide.

In your embrace, a steady guide,

Where creativity finds its tide.

From spreadsheets tall to games of might,

You cradle each endeavor's flight.

A silent partner in the digital sea,

In your smoothness, we find glee.

Oh, mouse pad, humble and true,

Bearer of dreams both old and new.

In your gentle touch, we confide,

Navigating currents, side by side.

A canvas for the digital age,

Where every click and scroll engage.

In your presence, control is found,

A sanctuary where dreams abound.

So here's to you, oh steady pad,

In the realm of tech, you're never bad.

A guardian of the digital shore,

In your softness, we explore evermore.

Sentinel of Secrets - Within the Office

Towering sentinel of steel and might,

In the office's heart, you stand upright.

With drawers that harbor stories untold,

In your metallic embrace, they unfold.

Each compartment, a silent vault,

Where documents of value exalt.

Contracts, reports, and plans abide,

In your secure hold, they bide.

With each click of the lock, a seal,

Guarding treasures both raw and real.

In your sturdy frame, we confide,

Knowing secrets within safely reside.

From invoices to letters of lore,

You house the archives of days of yore.

A repository of history's decree,

In your steadfast presence, we see.

Oh, file cabinet, fortress of files,

In the realm of paperwork, you compile.

A guardian of order, standing tall,

In your metallic grip, chaos falls.

So here's to you, stalwart friend,

In the journey of paperwork, you defend.

A sentinel of secrets, through and through,

In your metal embrace, we find value anew.

Pathways of Comfort - Within the Office

Beneath the wheels, you spread your grace,

A carpet of ease in the office space.

With every roll, a silent glide,

On your smooth surface, we confide.

From desk to desk, you pave the way,

In the rhythm of work, you sway.

A cushion for feet, a haven for toes,

In your softness, productivity flows.

With each turn and twist, you bear the weight,

Supporting endeavors both small and great.

A protector of floors, a shield of care,

In your embrace, comfort's found there.

Oh, chair mat, beneath our seat,

In the realm of work, you're ever discreet.

A pathway of ease, where tasks align,

In your gentle touch, we find our sign.

So here's to you, oh mat of grace,

In the dance of work, you find your place.

A comfort beneath our rolling feet,

In your silent support, productivity's beat.

Guardian of Power - Within the Office

Amidst the surge of currents wild,

You stand as protector, undefiled.

With sockets open, a fortress of might,

In your embrace, electronics take flight.

Through storms and surges, you stand strong,

Shielding devices from all that's wrong.

A silent guardian in the realm of sparks,

In your circuits, safety embarks.

From laptops to lamps, you provide the link,

Ensuring power flows without a blink.

A conductor of energy, a keeper of flow,

In your presence, devices aglow.

With each surge averted, a victory won,

In your resilience, trust is spun.

A sentinel of volts, a defender true,

In your silent watch, peace ensues.

Oh, surge protector, shield of surge,

In the current's chaos, you emerge.

A guardian of power, in your grasp,

In the dance of electricity, you clasp.

So here's to you, oh protector bold,

In the realm of currents, you uphold.

A guardian of gadgets, in your domain,

In your silent vigilance, we gain.

Shredder's Lament - Within the Office

In the silence of the office hall,

You wait with blades that stand so tall.

A silent sentinel of paper's fate,

In your jaws, documents meet their state.

With each feed, a whispering sound,

Echoes of secrets being bound.

From memos old to files anew,

In your grasp, they meet their due.

With teeth that tear through history's past,

You render secrets to dust at last.

A shredder's song in rhythmic churn,

In your blades, confidentiality turns.

From cluttered desks to drawers full grown,

You make sure no secret's fully known.

A guardian of privacy, in your machine,

In your efficiency, security's seen.

Oh, paper shredder, silent friend,

In the realm of documents, you attend.

A shredder's lament, in your whirring grind,

In your teeth, secrets are confined.

So here's to you, oh shredder's might,

In the dance of paperwork, you're the light.

A guardian of privacy, in your embrace,

In your shredding, secrets find their place.

Rolodex Reverie - Within the Office

In the corner of the desk you reside,

A circular fortress, secrets inside.

With cards that spin in a rhythmic dance,

In your embrace, connections enhance.

Each card a portal to a name,

In the Rolodex, they find their claim.

From contacts old to prospects new,

In your rotation, relationships accrue.

With each flick, a memory stirs,

Of conversations had and business spurs.

A Rolodex reverie, in your spin,

In your circular motion, networks begin.

From A to Z, you organize,

In your structure, efficiency lies.

A keeper of contacts, in your frame,

In your rotation, connections claim.

Oh, Rolodex, keeper of names,

In the realm of networking, you reign.

A carousel of contacts, in your hold,

In your circular rhythm, connections unfold.

So here's to you, oh Rolodex divine,

In the dance of networking, you shine.

A guardian of connections, in your spin,

In your circular embrace, relationships win.

Fix the Yard - Poetry Collection

The Earth's Chisel - Fix the Yard

In the hands of the gardener, you're the chisel bold,

Crafting dreams from soil's hold.

With every thrust into the earth's embrace,

You carve pathways for life's race.

Each scrape unearths a story untold,

Of seeds that sleep and roots that hold.

From barren ground to lush terrain,

In your blade, hope's refrain.

With each stroke, you sculpt the land,

Shaping landscapes with steady hand.

A trowel's song in nature's choir,

In your metal frame, dreams aspire.

From verdant gardens to wilds unknown,

You carve the path where dreams are sown.

A guardian of growth, in your command,

In your pointed tip, life expands.

Oh, trowel, bearer of nature's call,

In the realm of earth, you stand tall.

A symbol of nurture, in your sway,

In your digging, life finds its way.

So here's to you, oh earth's chisel fine,

In the dance of creation, you define.

A tool of transformation, in your hand,

In your earthly embrace, beauty expands.

Whispers in the Wind - Fix the Yard

Beneath the canopy's shade, you await,

A leaf shredder, in patience, you abate.

With blades that hum in gentle whir,

In your embrace, nature's sighs stir.

Each leaf a tale of seasons past,

In the shredder's maw, memories amassed.

From autumn's gold to summer's green,

In your blades, foliage unseen.

With each shred, a whisper takes flight,

Of winds that rustle through the night.

A leaf shredder's hymn in nature's choir,

In your mechanism, stories inspire.

From piles of leaves to branches bare,

You transform chaos to order's flair.

A guardian of tidiness, in your hold,

In your shredding, nature's story unfolds.

Oh, leaf shredder, in your quiet hum,

In the realm of garden, you overcome.

A harvester of leaves, in your spin,

In your shredding, gardens begin.

So here's to you, oh shredder of leaves,

In the dance of seasons, you believe.

A conduit of renewal, in your hand,

In your leafy embrace, gardens expand.

Earth's Sentinel - Fix the Yard

In the garden's heart, you proudly stand,

A sturdy fork, in earth's command.

With prongs that pierce the soil's embrace,

In your grip, gardens find their space.

Each thrust a promise of soil's yield,

In the fork's dance, fertility revealed.

From compacted ground to airy bed,

In your tines, seeds are led.

With each lift, aeration's gift,

Of oxygen to roots that sift.

A garden fork's anthem in soil's choir,

In your metal frame, life's desire.

From beds well-turned to rows aligned,

You cultivate dreams with strength refined.

A guardian of growth, in your hold,

In your prongs, gardens unfold.

Oh, garden fork, in your earthy song,

In the realm of gardening, you belong.

A symbol of nurture, in your sway,

In your turning, gardens find their way.

So here's to you, oh earth's sentinel true,

In the dance of cultivation, you renew.

A tool of transformation, in your hand,

In your earthly embrace, gardens expand.

Whisperer of Earth - Fix the Yard

In the garden's quiet, you take your stance,

A soil rake, in earth's gentle dance.

With tines that glide through soil's embrace,

In your gentle sweep, gardens find their grace.

Each stroke a whisper of soil's tale,

In the rake's sway, secrets unveil.

From hardened ground to beds laid bare,

In your gentle touch, life's breath is there.

With each pass, aeration's caress,

Of earth awakened from its rest.

A soil rake's melody in nature's song,

In your rhythm, gardens belong.

From debris cleared to soil refined,

You nurture growth with patience aligned.

A guardian of nurturing, in your care,

In your gentle raking, gardens repair.

Oh, soil rake, in your whispering sigh,

In the garden's embrace, you amplify.

A symbol of harmony, in your sway,

In your gentle touch, gardens find their way.

So here's to you, oh whisperer of earth,

In the dance of gardening, you birth.

A tool of cultivation, in your hand,

In your earthy embrace, gardens expand.

The Earth's Sculptor - Fix the Yard

In the garden's embrace, you take your stand,

A spade shovel, in earth's tender command.

With blade that cuts through soil's embrace,

In your sturdy hold, gardens find their space.

Each dig a declaration of earth's yield,

In the shovel's plunge, dreams are revealed.

From virgin ground to beds prepared,

In your metal edge, seeds are dared.

With each lift, creation's hand,

Of earth reshaped at your command.

A spade shovel's anthem in nature's choir,

In your steadfast blade, life's desire.

From trenches dug to bulbs set deep,

You shape the canvas where dreams sleep.

A guardian of cultivation, in your grip,

In your earthy dance, gardens equip.

Oh, spade shovel, in your earthy role,

In the garden's rhythm, you console.

A symbol of transformation, in your sway,

In your sculpting, gardens find their way.

So here's to you, oh earth's sculptor bold,

In the dance of creation, you hold.

A tool of shaping, in your hand,

In your earthy embrace, gardens expand.